The Joy of Creation
Someone once told me, “You’re the type of person who can make a whole meal out of an empty fridge,” as they were eating what I had cobbled together from their seldom touched kitchen. (In case you were wondering, I made Burmese egg curry.)
Sometimes I’ll take pictures of what I cook. Everytime I look back at the pictures though, I have no idea what’s going on and can barely remember what it tasted like. I look at the picture and haven’t a clue what process I took to get there. I’ll even doubt that I made it.
Here lies the mystery of creation. Creation - whether it be a meal, a piece of art, or a newborn baby - can be full of contrast, paradox even. How is it possible for something to be both earthly and transcendent? Both sorrowful and ecstatic? Both tenuous and powerful? On and on the list could go…
At the time of this writing, from my current vantage point, my next venture is simultaneously the most clear and vague creation I have worked with thus far. It is asking of me a commitment to Life that I am 100% behind, yet I have nearly 0% clue where it is taking me.
I have been listening to the hymns of creation,
Enchanted by the verses,
Yet still I am curious…
- The Radiance Sutras
We are gifted the joy of creation when the creation takes a life of its own and stuns with its beautiful cohesiveness and idiosyncratic perfection. When the creation takes on a majesty and power that is beyond and separate from the creator. When the creation says - show me to the world, for I am here!
I am proud to announce that a small (yet significant!) creation,, is here. We invite you to come drink, play, dance, and rest in this creation. All are welcome.
To the mystery of creation ever present among us,
Eden Harmony